Updating to the minimum system requirements on your iPad will prompt you to grant the Retail POS app permissions to access Bluetooth and Local Network settings on your iPad.
If declined, this will cause your printer to no longer function. To fix this, ensure your device's Bluetooth and Local Network Permissions are enabled in Settings > Lightspeed Retail POS (X).
This guide provides step-by-step instructions to connect your Star TSP100III wirelessly to your internet router and provide wireless receipt printing.
Select the tab for your device platform (Mac, Windows PC, or iPad) and follow the provided steps.
For more information on your TSP 100III Wireless Printer, refer to Star's Online Manual.
Device checklist
To set up your receipt printer with your PC, Mac, or iPad, you'll first need to make sure you have all the peripherals needed.
You will need a power cable for the printer.
Receipt Rolls
Make sure you have 80mm receipt rolls. To load your receipt roll open the latch on the top right of the printer, place the roll inside, and pull some of the paper through before closing the lid.
Cash drawer (optional)
You may also wish to set up your cash drawer at the same time, to do this you'll need an RJ12 cable. This is a specialized cash drawer cable that is similar looking to an ethernet cable but is smaller on one end.
Use the app
Using the dedicated app (TSP100III Utility Mac/iPad) will help you set your product up easily.
Connecting your printer for Windows
1. Connect the Star TSP100/TSP100III to a power source using the provided power cable
2. Turn your printer on and wait for the blue light to stop blinking.
3. Insert your paper roll.
You are now ready to connect your printer to your wireless network. The simplest way to connect your printer is by a WPS.
However, if your router does not support WPS, use the steps under Connect by AP network mode instead.
Connect by WPS
1. Press and hold the red Pair button on the back of your printer until the blue light on the front of your printer starts blinking.
2. On your router, press the WPS button. The usage procedure of the access point or router will vary according to the device.
Steps 1 and 2 have to be done within 30 seconds of each other. If not, repeat the steps.
3. This will establish a connection between your printer and your router. The Ready light on the printer will now be solid and your Network Configuration and Current IP Parameters Status will print out automatically.
4. Under Current IP Parameters, make a note of the IP Address. This will be your printer's new dynamic IP address.
If the IP address on the receipt says "NONE" or "", the printer is not connected to the internet. Retry steps 1 and 2 again to ensure the printer is paired to the network.
Connect by AP network mode
This involves printing your network configuration and current IP Parameters and setting your wireless LAN settings. To achieve an AP network connection, the printer should be connected to your router using an ethernet cable.
Printing your Network Configuration and Current IP Parameters
1. Switch your printer off using the power switch.
2. Press and hold the Feed button on the front of the printer while the printer is turned off.
3. While still holding the Feed button, turn your printer back on.
4. Once your Network Configurations and Current IP Parameters Status receipts print successfully, release the Feed button.
If the IP address on the settings receipt says "NONE" or "", the printer is not connected to the internet. Double-check the ethernet cable is connected securely to both the back of the printer and the router and then press and hold the 'push' button again.
5. Take note of the SSID under Network Configuration
6. Take note of the IP address under Current IP Parameters Status
Setting your wireless LAN settings
1. Open the Network Settings on your PC and select your printer's name (the SSID you noted above).
2. Click Connect.
3. From your web browser, enter your printer's default static IP address and hit Enter
4. Click Login.
5. In the new Authentication Required window, enter the following:
- User Name: root
- Password: public
6. Click OK
7. Click Cancel, to close the new security window.
8. Click the WLAN Settings.
9. Select Infrastructure Mode and enter the following:
- SSID: your WI-FI network name.
- Security: WPA2/AES.
- Security Key: your Wi-Fi network password.
- Click Submit.
10. From the left menu, click the Save section and navigate to Save > Configuration printing > Restart Device.
11. Click Execute.
Your printer will automatically make a printout. Under the Current IP Parameters Status, take note of the IP Address. This is your printer's new dynamic IP address.
Installing your printer driver on your computer
1. Go to the Star Micronics website.
2. Click TSP100 futurePRNT Software Lite to download the latest driver.
3. Go to the Downloads folder on your PC and double-click the downloaded file to expand.
4. From the new folder, double-click Autorun.
5. From the Compressed (Zipped) Folder windows, click Extract All > Extract.
6. From the tsp100 folder, double-click Autorun.
7. In the new TSP100 futurePRNT window, click Installation > I Accept.
8. Follow the setup steps to install the printer driver on your computer.
9. Deselect the Launch Star Cloud Services Web site and click Finish once you are done.
Adding your printer to your computer
1. Open the LAN & Bluetooth Setup Tool, and search for LAN.
2. Click LAN & Bluetooth Setup Tool.
3. From the new User Account Control window, click Discovery.
4. Click on your Star printer and its dynamic IP address and click Print Queue.
5. From the new Print Queue window, select the Print Test checkbox and click Apply.
Printing on Retail POS with Star
Perform a test print
Now that your Star TSP100/TSP100III is installed you can start using it to print your receipts in Retail POS.
To perform a test print, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Sell > Sales History.
2. Click a sale to expand it.
3. Click Print receipt.
4. Select the receipt template you’d like to use.
This will take you to the print preview screen. If the Star TSP100/TSP100III is not your default printer, click Change and select the printer from the list.
You will also want to untick headers and footers and set the paper size to 72mm - 2000mm or 72mm - receipt.
Once that's been changed you should be able to print out a receipt.
If you set your paper size to 72mm - 2000mm or 72mm - receipt without disabling headers and footers, the printer will not auto-cut at the main receipt.
Once that's been changed you should be able to print out a receipt.
Set up your cash drawer
Once you've got the printer all set up, you can connect your cash drawer.
The cash drawer connects to your receipt printer and is triggered to open when you finish a cash or cheque sale, and the receipt is printed by the printer.
To set up the cash drawer:
1. Plug the RJ12 connector cable (the one that looks similar to a phone line) from the cash drawer into the receipt printer.
2. Next, go to your Devices and Printers window on your computer.
3. Right-click on your receipt printer, and select Printer Properties > Device Settings.
4. Once in here change the Peripheral Unit Type to Cash Drawer and set the Unit 1 and 2 options to Document Bottom.
If you want your cash drawer to fire before the receipt prints you can set the Unit 1 and 2 options to Document Top.
5. Save these settings and test them by performing a test print.
Connecting your printer for Mac
1. Connect the power cord to your printer and an electrical outlet.
2. Turn your printer on and wait for the blue light to stop blinking.
3. Insert your paper roll.
4. You are now ready to connect your printer to your wireless network.
5. The simplest way to connect your printer is by a WPS. However, if your router does not support WPS, use the steps under AP network mode. instead.
Connect by WPS
1. Press and hold the red Pair button on the back of your printer until the blue light on the front of your printer starts blinking.
2. On your router, press the WPS button. The usage procedure of the access point or router will vary according to the device.
Steps 1 and 2 have to be done within 30 seconds of each other. If not, repeat the steps.
3. This will establish a connection between your printer and your router. The Ready light will now be solid and your "Network Configuration" and "Current IP Parameters Status" will print out automatically.
If the IP address on the settings receipt says "NONE" or "", the printer is not connected to the internet. Double check the ethernet cable is connected securely to both the back of the printer and the router and then press and hold the 'push' button again.
4. Under Current IP Parameters, make a note of the IP Address. This will be your printer's new dynamic IP address.
Connect by AP network mode
This involves printing your network configuration and current IP Parameters and setting your wireless LAN settings.
1. Printing your Network Configuration and Current IP Parameters
1. Switch your printer off using the power switch.
2. Press and hold the Feed button on the front of the printer while the printer is turned off.
3. While holding the Feed button, turn your printer back on.
4. Once your "Network Configurations" and "Current IP Parameters Status" prints successfully, release the Feed button you are currently holding down.
If the IP address on the settings receipt says "NONE" or "", the printer is not connected to the internet. Double check the ethernet cable is connected securely to both the back of the printer and the router and then press and hold the 'push' button again.
5. Take note of the SSID under "Network Configuration".
6. Take note of the IP address under "Current IP Parameters Status".
2. Setting your wireless LAN settings
1. Go to your WiFi settings on your computer.
2. Under Devices select the name of your printer.
3. Head to your Chrome web browser and enter your printer's default static IP address, which you had taken note of in the section above.
4. From the left menu, click Login.
5. In the new Authentication Required window, enter the following:
- User Name: root
- Password: public
Click OK
5. Click Cancel, to close the new security window.
6. From the left menu, click the WLAN Settings and enter the following:
- SSID: your WI-FI network name.
- Security: WPA2/AES.
- Security Key: your Wi-Fi network password.
- Click Submit.
7. From the left menu, click the flashing red Save section and select Save > Configuration printing > Restart Device.
8. Click Execute.
9. Your printer will automatically make a printout. Under the "Current IP Parameters Status", take note of the IP Address.
10. From your WiFi settings, select your WiFi network's name.
Installing your printer driver on your computer
1. Go to the Star Micronics website.
2. Click CUPS Drive for macOS to download the latest driver.
3. Locate the starcups file in your downloads.
4. Double-click your starcups driver file.
5. Follow the steps to install the Star Cups driver.
Adding your printer to your computer
1. Head to System Preference on your computer.
2. Click Printers & Scanners.
3. In the Printers section, click the + sign.
4. Add the following information to add your printer:
- Address: your printer's new dynamic IP address.
- Protocol: Line Printer Daemon - LPD.
- Name: Give your printer a custom name if you wish to do so.
- Use: Select Software.
5. In the Software window, search for your Star TSP100III printer.
6. Select Star TSP100Cutter and click OK.
7. Back on the Add printer page, click Add.
8. You will be able to confirm your printer is listed with a green light in the Printers section.
Printing on Retail POS with Star
Perform a test print
Now that your Star TSP100/TSP100III is installed you can start using it to print your receipts in Retail POS.
To perform a test print, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Sell > Sales History.
2. Click a sale to expand it.
3. Click Print receipt.
4. Select the receipt template you’d like to use.
This will take you to the print preview screen. If the Star TSP100/TSP100III is not your default printer, click Change and select the printer from the list.
You will also want to untick headers and footers and set the paper size to 72mm - 2000mm or 72mm - receipt.
Once that's been changed you should be able to print out a receipt.
If you set your paper size to 72mm - 2000mm or 72mm - receipt without disabling headers and footers, the printer will not auto-cut at the main receipt.
Once that's been changed you should be able to print out a receipt.
Set up your cash drawer
Once you've got the printer all set up, you can connect your cash drawer.
The cash drawer connects to your receipt printer and is triggered to open when you finish a cash or cheque sale, and the receipt is printed by the printer.
You can manually open the cash drawer by pressing Command + E on your keyboard while on the Sell screen or by performing a test print.
To set up the cash drawer:
1. Plug the RJ12 connector cable (the one that looks similar to a phone line) from the cash drawer into the receipt printer.
2. Go to the following URL: http://localhost:631/printers/. This will take you to CUPS. CUPS is a network printing service used by Mac computers. It allows you to set up your printers on a network, and customize options such as cash drawer setup.
Receive this screen?
Click here to learn how to enable CUPS for your computer.
3. Once in CUPS, Select your printer model like the image below.
4. Select from the drop-down menu Set Default Options.
5. From here, select Cash Drawer Control, choose Open Drawer 1 and 2 under Cash Drawer and click the Set Default Options button below.
Your cash drawer should now be all set to go! You can test it out by clicking Command + E on your keyboard when in on your Sell Screen or by performing a test sale.
Connecting your printer for iPad
If the IP address on the settings receipt says "NONE" or "", the printer is not connected to the internet. Double-check the ethernet cable is connected securely to both the back of the printer and the router and then press and hold the 'push' button again.
1. Connect the power cord to your printer and an electrical outlet.
2. Turn your printer on and wait for the blue light to stop blinking.
3. Insert your paper roll.
4. You are now ready to connect your printer to your wireless network.
5. There are two ways you may connect your printer to your wireless network. Either by WPS or if your router does not support WPS, you can connect by the AP network mode.
Connect by WPS
1. Press and hold the red Pair button on the back of your printer until the blue light on the front of your printer starts blinking.
2. On your router, press the WPS button. The usage procedure of the access point or router will vary according to the device.
3. This will establish a connection between your printer and your router. The Ready light will now be solid and your "Network Configuration" and "Current IP Parameters Status" will print out automatically.
4. Under Current IP Parameters, make a note of the IP Address. This will be your printer's new dynamic IP address.
Connect by AP network mode
This involves printing your network configuration and current IP Parameters, and setting your wireless LAN settings.
Printing your Network Configuration and Current IP Parameters
1. Switch your printer off using the power switch.
2. Press and hold the Feed button on the front of the printer whilst the printer is turned off.
3. Whilst holding the Feed button, turn your printer back on.
4. Once your "Network Configurations" and "Current IP Parameters Status" prints successfully, release the Feed button you are currently holding down.
5. Take note of the SSID under "Network Configuration".
6. Take note of the IP address under "Current IP Parameters Status".
Setting your wireless LAN settings
1. Go to Settings on your iPad.
2. Tap WiFi in the list of options on the left.
3. Under Devices select the name of your printer.
4. A new window will open. Tap Join Anyway.
5. Head to your Chrome web browser.
6. Check the MAC address of the printer. You will be able to check this is from the "Network Configuration" found on your printout. Enter the IP Address you had noted earlier in the address bar.
7. Connect your iPad to the printer.
- Open the setting screen of the tablet and select Wi-Fi to enable Wi-Fi.
- From the device list that appears under "Select Network...", refer to the last 6 digits of the MAC address confirmed in setp1 and select the device to connect.
- When a connection is established, the SSID will appear under Wi-Fi with a check mark.
8. Log into Web Configuration
- Open your web browser on your iPad. Enter the IP address that appears under the "Current IP Parameters Status" on your printout and open Web Configuration.
- Click on Login on the left-hand side of your screen.
- Enter the following:
User Name: root
Password: public
Tap OK
- A message will be displayed as you are using the default password. Select OK to change the password, or Cancel, not to.
9. A new "Authentication Required" window will pop up.
10. Tap Cancel to close the security window.
11. Tap WLAN Settings and enter the following:
- SSID: your WI-FI network name.
- Security: WPA2/AES.
- Security Key: your Wi-Fi network password.
- Tap Submit.
112 In the next window, tap Not Now.
13. Tap the flashing red Save section and select Save > Configuration printing > Restart Device.
14. Tap Execute.
15. Your printer will automatically make a printout. Under the "Current IP Parameters Status", take note of the IP Address.
16. Go back to your home screen and tap on Settings.
17. Tap Wi-Fi and select your Wi-Fi network. Your printer will now be connected to your Wi-Fi network on your iPad.
Ad-Hoc connection settings
1. Check the MAC address of the printer.
2. Connect the tablet to the printer. Refer to the last 6 digits of the MAC address confirmed in Step 1 and select the device to connect.
3. A message will then appear asking if you wish to use the network. Tap "Join Anyway".
4. The SSID will appear under Wi-Fi with a check mark. Check under the "IP Address" and "Subnet Mask" sections to see if there are values listed. If there are, the connection is complete.
5. Log into Web Configuration.
Connecting the printer to the Retail POS app on iPad
Now that you've got your printer connected to your iPad you're ready to add it to the Retail POS app. To do this:
1. Open the Retail POS app and tap the Menu icon (☰)
2. Select Settings > Hardware.
3. Under Receipt printers, tap Add a printer.
4. A modal will appear to add your printer. Tap Follow steps to connect and add a printer > Next.
5. To get your printer ready and perform a hardware self-test, connect your printer to a power source leaving your printer off and load your receipt paper roll in your printer and close your printer’s lid shut.
6. Press and hold the FEED button and turn on your printer.
7. Once your hardware self-test receipt prints, tap Next.
8. Select your printer and tap Next.
9. Select your printer model and tap Next.
10. Under Connected printers, you will see your TSP100 model listed—Tap Add printer.
11. Your iPad will ask you to select a Bluetooth accessory. Tap on your printer's name. There may be a delay before seeing your printer's name as compatible devices may appear.
12. Your printer is now connected to Retail POS. You can choose to rename your printer, perform a Test print, or tap Finish.
Connecting the cash drawer
Once you've got the printer all set up, you can connect up the cash drawer.
The cash drawer connects to your receipt printer and is triggered to open when you finish a cash or cheque sale and the receipt is printed by the printer. A manager or admin can also manually open the cash drawer directly within Retail POS.
To set up the cash drawer, open up the Retail POS app and follow the instructions below:
1. Tap the Menu icon (☰) to open the sidebar.
2. Tap Settings and choose Hardware.
3. Select the printer you want to attach the cash drawer too.
4. Plug the RJ12 connector cable from the cash drawer into the receipt printer.
5. On the printer settings page, toggle the Cash drawer enabled setting to On.
6. Toggle the Open cash on sale setting to On.