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How to view a list of customers who have purchased a specific product


  • Retail POS for Mac or PC


You can view a list of customers who have bought a specific product with a Sales Report or with Inventory Movements View.

Through Sales Report:

  1. Click Reporting and click Sales Report.
  2. Click on Report Type and from the dropdown menu select Customer.
  3. Click on Measure and from the dropdown menu select Items Sold.
  4. Click Date Range and select the dates you wish to view.
  5. Click Filter.
  6. In the search bar, type in the name of the product(s).
  7. Select the product(s) from the dropdown menu that appears
  8. This will provide you with the list of customers who have bought the specified product(s) on the selected date range. 

 Through Inventory Movements View:

  1. Click Products.
  2. Type the name on the search field and click Apply Filter
  3. Click on the product's name.
  4. Scroll down to Product History and click on Inventory Movements View.
  5. Click on Movement and select Sale from the dropdown menu.
  6. Click Date Range and select the dates you wish to view.
  7. Click on Search.
  8. This will provide you with a list of sales that included the product you searched for and the names of the customers. 

Additional Information

Reporting in Retail POS

Inventory Movements View


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