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How to change the register a sale was made under


Change the register associated with a sale. While it is not possible to change the register a sale was processed on, you will be able to recreate the sale under the correct register and void the incorrect sale. 


  •  Retail POS on Mac or PC


Voiding the original sale:

  1. Navigate to Sell -> Sales History
  2. Locate the sale to be voided and click to expand
  3. Click Void
  4. Click Void Sale

Recreate a cash sale:

  1. Click Sell
  2. Create the sale
  3. Click Pay 
  4. Click Cash

Recreate a sale with another payment type:

  1. Click Sell
  2. Create the sale
  3. Click Park
  4. Click sales history
  5. Search the sale
  6. Click the sale
  7. Click Apply payment/refund
  8. Click the correct payment type
  9. Type the correct payment amount

Move the sale to a previous date (if required): 

  1. Click sales history
  2. Search the sale
  3. Click the sale
  4. Click Edit Sale
  5. Click the Sale Date field and select the date of the sale

Additional Information

  • A recreated sale will be recorded under the current register closure. This is the case even when they are backdated.
  • If you backdate the manually applied payment, it will show the correct date in your Payments Report.
  • Make sure you are signed into the correct register before recreating the sale. 


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