- Retail POS for Mac or PC
Account/layby sales revenue is always added on the day the sale was started. However, payments on these sales will always be added to the payments report for the date the payment was made. Incomplete layby sales won't contribute to sales report (even if they were started that day).
However, any partial payments on the layby sales will appear in the payments report. Layby revenue is only added in the sales report once the layby is completed and then on the initial day it was created.
Partial payments include:
- Customer tips
- Cash discounting
These will show in the payments report, but not in the sales report.
If you're using either the Tipping or Cash Discount/Service fee functions, or both together, you will see a higher payments report than sales report. This is because Tips and Service fee do not count as revenue, but they contribute to the Payments total.
To check tip totals, navigate to Reporting > Sales report, then update the Measure filter to Tips.