To make filtering sales easy by using receipt barcode
- Retail POS for Mac or PC
- Retail POS on iPad
- Scanner
The receipt barcode is the encrypted code for your receipt number and works on both screens (Sales History or Sales Ledger*). Following are the steps on how to use them:
On Mac or PC
- Sales History
- Click the Receipt box
- Scan the barcode and it will display in number format.
- Click Search and the respective sale will be filtered out for you.
- Sales Ledger*
- Click the down arrow next to MORE FILTER OPTIONS
- Click the Receipt Number box
- Scan the barcode and it will display in number format.
- Click Update and the respective sale will be filtered out for you.
On iPad
- Sales History
- Tap on Filter by sale status
- Select All sales
- Tap on the magnifying glass
- Scan the barcode and it will display in number format
- Tap Search and the respective sale will be filtered out for you.
- Sales Ledger*
- Tap the down arrow next to MORE FILTER OPTIONS
- Tap the Receipt Number box
- Scan the barcode and it will display in number format
- Tap Update and the respective sale will be filtered out for you
*Sales Ledger is being deprecated. Sales Ledger will soon be replaced with Sales History.
Additional Information
Make sure that barcode scanner is set to "Keyboard mode" before scanning the receipt.