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Enabling Loyalty for customers

  • Available on Pro, Advanced, Enterprise
  • Available on Core, Plus

You can enable Loyalty manually for an individual customer or import a CSV file to update many customers at once. New customers can also sign up for Loyalty in many ways.

Enabling Loyalty for an individual customer

  1. From the main menu, go to Customers > Customers.
  2. From the list, select your customer's name to expand their details.
  3. Select Edit customer or the pencil icon.
  4. Select the Details tab.
  5. Under SETTINGS, enable the Enable loyalty for this customer toggle.
  6. Select Save changes.


Your customer can now earn or redeem with Loyalty.

Enabling Loyalty for many customers with a CSV import

  1. From the main menu, select Customers.
  2. At the top-right of your customer list, select Export list. A CSV file will download.


    You can only download 1000 customers per CSV file.

  3. Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet software.
  4. Under the enable_loyalty column, change the number from a "0" to a "1" for the customers you want to enable Loyalty for.


  5. Save the file.
  6. In Retail POS, go to Customers again.
  7. Select Import customers.
  8. Drag and drop your file, or browse and select it. Retail POS will preview how many customers it'll import.
  9. If all looks correct, select Continue with import.


Retail POS will bring you back to your customer list and display a success message at the top of the page. Your customers can now earn or redeem with Loyalty.

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