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Adjusting customer loyalty balances

  • Available on Pro, Advanced, Enterprise
  • Available on Core, Plus

Sometimes, you might need to adjust a customer's or several customers' loyalty balance. For example, perhaps you gave a customer the wrong amount of loyalty by accident. Luckily, you can easily adjust their loyalty balance with a CSV import.

  1. From the main menu, select Customers.
  2. Use the available fields and filters to find your customer or group of customers.
  3. Click Export list. A CSV file will download.


    You can only download 1000 customers per CSV file.

  4. Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet software.
  5. Delete all columns except for customer_code, first_name, and last_name.
  6. Add an additional column at the end and name it loyalty_adjustment
  7. Under the loyalty_adjustment column of each customer, enter your desired value:
    • Enter a positive value to add to the loyalty balance.
    • Enter a negative value to subtract from the loyalty balance.


  8. Save the CSV file.
  9. In Retail POS, go to Customers.
  10. Click Import customers.Retail-X-import-customers.png
  11. Drag and drop your file, or browse and select it. Retail POS will preview how many customers will be imported.

    Multiple imports should not be performed at the same time, especially if they are large.

  12. If all looks correct, select Continue with import.


After the import, you will be returned to the customer page. If the important was successful, a success message will display at the top of the page.

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