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Error when editing products 'Something went wrong with this product'


Accessing the edit product page returns an error - 'Something went wrong with this product' Contact Support


  • Retail POS for Mac or PC

Cause and solution


You must clear the inventory value (inventory_YourOutletName) column(s) for each outlet prior to re-importing in order to avoid overwriting the products inventory value.

1. Mismatched Attributes

Variant option names are not consistent:​

  1. Navigate to Catalog -> Products
  2. Search and select the product that is causing the error
  3. Click Export list
  4. Open the CSV file
  5. Edit the variant_option_name columns so that all variant options are the same in each column
  6. Save the CSV file
  7. Import the file to Retail POS


2. Missing Attributes

Some variants have missing variant options:

  1. Navigate to Catalog -> Products
  2. Search and select the product that is causing the error
  3. Click Export list
  4. Open the CSV file
  5. Add the names into the missing cells under each variant_option_name column
  6. Alternatively, remove the names from the cells that contain this data
  7. Save the CSV file
  8. Import the file to Retail POS

Additional Information

Formatting your CSV File using Open Office

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