Transferring stock between outlets in Retail POS allows you to maintain accurate inventory levels when physically sending products to other locations within the business, such as from a central warehouse to an outlet, or from outlet to outlet.
Note: This article provides steps for transferring stock using Retail POS on your computer. For information about transferring stock using the Lightspeed Scanner app, refer to our Transferring stock with Lightspeed Scanner (X-Series) article.
Create a stock transfer
- Navigate to Inventory > Stock control. Click the Transfers tab, then click Transfer stock.
- Select the Source outlet where the inventory will be removed from the drop-down.
- Select the Destination outlet to where the inventory will be sent from the drop-down.
- Enter an alternative Reference if you do not wish to use the auto-generated reference.
Choose a date for the transfer to take place (optional).
Move on to the Add products to the transfer drop-down below for steps to add products to the transfer.
Add products to the transfer
Now that the transfer details have been added, you need to add products to the transfer.
- Add products to the transfer by typing in the product name or scanning the barcode in the Search or scan to add a product search box.
- Retail POS displays the matching product(s). Select the one you wish to add to the order.
If the product has not yet been created in Retail POS, type in the name of the product and click Add "X" as a new product. This opens the Add a new product window and prompts you to enter the minimum information required to add a product to your catalog.
For more information on adding new products this way, refer to our Using the quick add product modal guide.
- Once you select a product, enter the number of items you are transferring in the Quantity field for the product.
If a product with variants is selected, a pop-up screen opens for you to select the specific variants you would like to add to the order. Once the variants are selected and the quantity is specified, click Add variants to transfer.
- Keep adding products until your order is complete. Once complete, click Save transfer to create and save your changes.
Add products via CSV
You can import products (including supply price and quantity) to a new transfer from a CSV file. This is an excellent way to quickly create a large transfer, such as from a data file created by a handheld inventory scanner.
You need to set up a CSV file with your transfer items. Download an example CSV template to get you started, or create a CSV file using your spreadsheet software (like Excel, Open Office, or Google Docs) with 4 column headers:
- Handle [optional field] - the product handle (must match an existing product in Retail POS).
- SKU [mandatory field] - the product SKU (must match an existing product in Retail POS).
- Supply price [optional field] - the per-item supply price.
- Quantity [mandatory field] - the quantity of each item ordered.
Once the CSV import file is ready, select Import via CSV and click Import CSV, and then choose the file to upload your saved CSV file.
Sending the transfer
You now need to send the transfer to the destination outlet in order to remove the stock from the source outlet.
- Navigate to Inventory > Stock control and locate the transfer. Click Outlet transfer under the number column for the transfer.
- Click Email order. If you do not require email notification of the transfer to the destination outlet, skip to step 4.
- Enter the Recipient name, Email, CC, and Message fields. Once completed, click Send.
- Click Mark as sent.
Once marked as sent, the transfer can be received at the destination outlet.
Receiving the transfer
Once the products have physically arrived at the destination outlet, the inventory needs to be added to the destination outlet in Retail POS by receiving the transfer.
- Navigate to Inventory > Stock control.
- Select Sent orders from the Show drop-down and click Update.
- Locate the order and click Receive.
- Ensure the amount physically received matches the transfer and enter the amount into the Received quantity field.
- Click Receive transfer in the popup window.
- Next you'll see a confirmation screen that your order was successfully received.
Transferring stock in Retail POS is for internal inventory movements between outlets and/or central warehouse(s).
For information on ordering products from your suppliers, refer to our How to order stock/create purchase order guide.