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Receiving stock without a purchase order

With the receive stock function in Retail POS, you can receive stock into your inventory for orders that are placed outside of Retail POS without having to retroactively create a purchase order first.

To receive stock in Retail POS, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Stock control and click Receive stock.
  2. Enter the Delivery details. When receiving stock you are required to select an outlet from the Delivered to dropdown and enter an Order number, but the remaining fields are optional.
  3. Scroll down to the Products section. Add your products by typing the product name or SKU in the search field, or by scanning the product barcode.

    If the product has not yet been created in Retail POS, click Add "X" as a new product and enter the product details. For more information on adding new products through the Stock control page, refer to our Using the quick add product modal guide.


  4. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity received for each product.
  5. The Cost price field will automatically populate with the product's supply price. If the cost price has changed, enter the new price and Retail POS will recalculate the product's average cost. This will not change the product's supply price.

    To change the regular supply price of a product, you need to edit the product information on the Products page (Catalog > Products).


  6. To finish, click Receive.

    For purchase orders that have already been created in Retail POS, you can receive these order using the regular receiving workflow.

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