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Exporting your reporting data from Retail POS (X-Series)

While reports can be viewed in Retail POS at any time, you may wish to customize them. You can merge or manipulate this data by exporting it onto a spreadsheet. Retail POS includes several types of reports, and the details on how to export each type are included in this article.

Sales history

The first type of report many people choose to export is the Sales history report.

Navigate to Sell > Sales history to access it, and then select any of the options in the drop-down menus you wish to include: Status, Customer, and Receipt or note.

You also have the option to choose More filters and select data by Outlet, User, and Date. When finished, click Search to narrow the results, and then click the Export list button to download the CSV.


Sales, Inventory, Payment, and Tax reports

To export these types of reporting data, navigate to the Reporting tab on the left and select one of these types of reports you wish to export. Here, we'll use a Sales report.


The report export method is nearly the same for Sales, Inventory, Payment, and Tax reports. After selecting the report type, specify the available options in the drop-down menus: Report type, Measure, Date range, and Comparison.

The More filters button narrows your selection by including or excluding a keyword. The Sales report also has the option to include or exclude gift card sales by toggling between these options.


Once you're happy with the data shown, click Export report to download the report as an XLSX or CSV file that can be opened in a spreadsheet application such as Excel or OpenOffice.

SKUs that have a leading 0 or are more than 14 characters long are often altered when exported as a CSV file. Use XLSX format to prevent this error.


Register closures

The Register closures report is accessed by navigating to Reporting > Register closures, and simply selecting Export CSV at the top right of the page. This will automatically download the CSV.


Lightspeed Payments

The Lightspeed Payments report is only available for retailers integrated with Lightspeed Payments.

This report is accessed by navigating to Reporting > Lightspeed Payments.


You can view individual payments by clicking the Payments tab or view deposits by clicking the Payouts tab. For more information on the Lightspeed Payments report, view our article here.

The Payments Report and Payouts report can be exported by clicking the Export button.



Below are a few suggestions on how to make the most of Retail POS Reporting's Export report tool.

Comparing and merging reports

Comparing reports, where available, is easy when using the Export report tool. Not only will you be able to look at multiple exported reports side by side, but you can also merge these reports to benchmark their values against one another.

Keeping a running record of your stock on hand

While Retail POS Reporting does cater for historical inventory records, you may still want to keep a regular record of your stock on hand over a certain period. By frequently exporting On-hand Inventory reports, you will be able to maintain a running record of your inventory levels.

Creating customized graphs

You can also look into using this exported data to create your graphs in your spreadsheet application.

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