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Sell screen keyboard shortcuts on desktop

You can now make use of keyboard shortcuts in Retail POS for Mac or PC to speed up your sales process or more quickly navigate to the Sales history and Open/close register screens.

To use shortcuts on a Windows PC use the Alt key. 


To use shortcuts on a Mac use the Option key. 


Holding the Alt or Option key will show handy tooltips on the areas of the sell screen that have shortcuts. 

Basic Shortcuts

  • Alt or Option / - This will show a modal on the sell screen that lists all keyboard shortcuts:


  • Esc - Back/ Exit /Complete Sale
  • Tab- Focus on next item 
  • F5 - Park the current sale 
  • F6 - Go to Sales History 
  • F7 - Close the register 

Sell Screen Shortcuts 

  • Alt or Option S - Focus on product search
  • Alt or Option C - Focus on customer search
  • Alt or Option  L - Edit last added item
  • Alt or Option P - Pay for sale 

Pay Screen Shortcuts 

  • Alt or Option 1  - Use payment type 1 
  • Alt or Option 2  - Use payment type 2 
  • Alt or Option 3  - Use payment type 3
  • Alt or Option 4  - Use payment type 4 
  • Alt or Option 5  - Use payment type 5 
  • Alt or Option 6  - Use payment type 6 
  • Alt or Option 7  - Use payment type 7
  • Alt or Option 8  - Use payment type 8
  • Alt or Option 9  - Use payment type 9 

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