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Customer receipts in Retail POS (X-Series)

Depending on your store settings, once the sale is complete, you will be prompted to provide your customer with a printed or emailed receipt. You may also provide your customer with a gift receipt if they are purchasing a product as a gift for someone else.

You can also customize your receipt templates.

Printed receipts

If the current register you are using is set up to print receipts, the receipt will print after taking payment and hitting the Complete sale button.

You can also print off a copy of the receipt before completing the sale by clicking Print receipt.

If your store does not have receipt printing turned on, receipts will not print automatically after hitting Complete sale. You can still print a receipt manually from the sale confirmation screen.

Printing a receipt from the Sales History

  1. Navigate to Sell > Sales History.


  2. Locate the sale you wish to print the receipt for.
  3. Click on the sale to expand the sale information.
  4. Click Print Receipt and select a receipt template.


  5. Set your print settings in the print preview screen and click Print.

Printing a gift receipt

You can also print a gift receipt if your customer is purchasing your products as a gift for someone else. The gift receipt is a simplified version of the standard receipt that does not include any payment or loyalty information.

After a sale

  1. Add products and click Pay as normal.
  2. After taking payment for the sale, you will be taken to the Payment received page.
  3. Select the Gift Receipt button.


  4. This will take you to the print preview screen where you can print the gift receipt.


    Gift receipts are not customizable.

  5. After you've printed the gift receipt, click Complete Sale to complete the sale and print off a standard customer receipt.


From the Sales History

  1. Navigate to Sell > Sales history.
  2. Locate the sale you wish to print the receipt for.
  3. Click on the sale to expand the sale information.
  4. Click Gift Receipt.


  5. Set your print settings in the print preview screen and click Print.

Turning off email receipts

Trial accounts cannot send receipts or stock orders via email. Any emails attempted to be sent will not be delivered.

If your store has email receipts enabled, you will be prompted to enter the customer's email address. If you have already added a customer to the sale, and Retail POS has their email address, this will automatically be filled in.

The receipt will automatically be sent out upon completion of the sale unless you toggle the option on the payment received page.

You can still email a receipt to a customer, even if it is turned off by default.

  1. Navigate to Sell > Sales history.
  2. Locate the sale you wish to print the receipt for.
  3. Click the sale to expand the sale information.
  4. Click Email Receipt.


  5. Enter the customer's email and click Email Receipt.


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