Process a refund independent from the original sale.
- Retail POS for Mac or PC
- Click Sell
- Add the items to the sale that you want to refund
- Click on the item you have added to the sale
- In the quantity field, enter a negative value ( -1 for example )
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all of the products you want to refund
- Click Pay
- Select the desired payment type
- Click on the amount you are refunding
- The refund will now be processed in Retail POS
Additional Information
This will not be linked to the original sale in the sales history, so from a record-keeping perspective, it should only be used if there is no way of finding the original receipt number.
Because the sale is a manual refund, any discount given to the product in the original sale will need to be manually added to the refund.