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How to exclude products from an inventory count


  •  Retail POS for Mac or PC


  1. Click Inventory.
  2. Click Inventory Count.
  3. Click on the Inventory count from which you want to exclude products.
  4. Click Review.
  5. Under Uncounted, Unmatched or Matched tab select the products you would want to exclude from the count.
  6. Click on the selected button with the drop-down that appears at the top of the list
  7. Click Exclude items from count.Retail-Exclude-items 2.png
  8. The products excluded from the count will now appear under the Excluded tab
  9. Once you complete the count it will not affect any of the products that were excluded from the count

When the count is completed, you will no longer be able to view the items that you excluded. If you're looking to count these items at a later date, it may be worth taking note of what the items were.

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