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How to change which outlets sync inventory to Shopify


When setting up Retail POS with Shopify, sync inventory from multiple Retail POS outlets to your associated locations in Shopify.


  • Retail POS for Mac or PC
  • Shopify Integration


  1. Click Setup
  2. Click Apps
  3. Click the pencil icon to the right of Shopify
  4. In Inventory Levels from These Outlets, select which outlets you wish to connect to Shopify then select which Shopify location you want to map the inventory to

Additional Information

Multi-location Inventory in Shopify

  • If you are mapping existing inventory to multiple Shopify locations for the first time, please note that this will take time. We highly recommend mapping your outlets to locations when there’s downtime, or when it’s less busy.
  • You will need to ensure that you have enough locations created in Shopify, as one Retail POS outlet can only be mapped to one Shopify location. You cannot map more than one Retail POS outlet to one Shopify location, and you cannot map one Retail POS outlet to more than one Shopify location.
  • If you stop using one of your Shopify locations (either by removing the mapping or remapping an outlet to another location), please make sure to deactivate that unused location from Shopify, as we will not sync orders if the order specifies a Shopify location that is not mapped back to Retail POS.


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