Delete a register from an outlet
- Retail POS for Mac or PC
- Sign in as an admin user
- Click Setup
- Click Outlets and Registers
- Click on the register you wish to delete
- Click Delete register at the top right
Once you have deleted the register, you will need to update your register licenses:
- Click Billing
- Click Manage Plan
- Click Edit Licenses
- Reduce the number of register licenses
- Click Next
- Click Update Licenses
This will update your billing going forward.
Additional Information
Before deleting the register you must do the following:
- Close any open sales assigned to the register(parked, on account and layby sales),
- Close the register you wish to delete
- If the register is the only one assigned to the outlet, you must remove all users specific to the outlet before deleting
- Export all data for the register as all register closures for the deleted register will be removed and cannot be retrieved