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Xero Error: The Retail POS (X-Series) tax rate on one of the products in this sale has a tax type assigned in Xero that doesn't match the account code 'X’s tax type


Posting a register closure returns an error 'The Retail POS tax rate on one of the products in this sale has a tax type (expense or income) assigned in Xero that doesn't match the account code 'X’s tax type'. Find the product causing the error. 


  • Retail POS for Mac or PC
  • Xero integration


Using register closures

  1. In Xero, check the tax rate of the account that is cited in the error message
  2. Click Reporting
  3. Click Register Closures
  4. Click the register closure that will not post over
  5. Click View Full Details
  6. Click each sale to see the tax rates applied on the sale
  7. Find the product with a tax rate that does match the tax rate of the account cited in the error message

Using a CSV

  1. In Xero, check the tax rate of the account that is cited in the error message
  2. Click Products
  3. Click Export List
  4. Filter the account_code column for products that use the account code cited in the error message 
  5. Filter the tax column for products that also use a different tax rate than the account they are mapped to 

Additional Information

Can I view a breakdown of my register closures? 

How to apply a filter in Open Office


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