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Why can't I update the inventory levels of a Product in a specific Outlet?


I'm trying to manually update the inventory levels of my Product in a specific Outlet but the inventory levels keep reverting back to the previous quantity. Why is this happening?


  •  Retail POS for Mac or PC


Usually, it's caused by processing a sale of this Product with a large quantity, for example, 10,000,000,00. It can happen by accidentally scanning a barcode into the quantity field on the Sell Screen. Such sale will cause issues with the way the inventory levels are displaying and updating on the Product Page.

Additional Information

In order to fix this issue, the affected sale needs to be voided and recreated with the correct quantity.

Voiding a Sale

  1. Click sales history
  2. Search the sale
  3. Click the sale
  4. Click Void

Recreate a cash sale:

  1. Click Sell
  2. Create the sale
  3. Click Pay 
  4. Click Cash

Recreate a sale with another payment type:

  1. Click Sell
  2. Create the sale
  3. Click Park
  4. Click sales history
  5. Search the sale
  6. Click the sale
  7. Click Apply payment/refund
  8. Click the correct payment type
  9. Type the correct payment amount

Move the sale to a previous date (if required): 

  1. Click sales history
  2. Search the sale
  3. Click the sale
  4. Click Edit Sale
  5. Click the Sale Date field and select the date of the sale

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