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How to check if a Product is properly linked to Shopify


  • Retail POS for Mac or PC
  • Shopify Integration


Checking Product details:

  1. Navigate to CatalogProducts.
  2. Click on a product that is published on Shopify to open product details.
  3. Add an extra bit to your description (we recommend an extra space or period).
  4. Click Save.

If the description is then updated accordingly on Shopify, the product sync is properly functioning for product details.

Checking Stock Levels:

  1. Navigate to CatalogProducts.
  2. Click on a Product that is published on Shopify to open product details.
  3. Reduce the stock level by one for the linked outlet.
  4. Click Save.

If the Stock level is then updated on Shopify, the product sync is properly functioning for stock levels.

Additional Information

  • These tests should be performed while the store is closed or when sales are not being processed.
  • If you find that products are not passing the tests above, please contact Support.

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