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Adding new variants to an existing product

Retail POS now has the functionality to allow you to add additional variants to an existing product.

1. Navigate to Catalog -> Products and locate the product you wish to add to.

2. Select the pencil icon to edit the product.

3. Scroll down to the Variants section.

4. Add attributes and values as you have in the past. To select single variants, click on Add X value.

5. A modal will display giving you the option to Choose the variants you would like to add.

6. Here is where you can select and unselect the variants you want to use. We need to know if you want these new variants to have SKUs automatically generated or if you would like to use your own custom SKUs. Click Next.

7. Next, another modal will display giving you the option to select how you would like SKUs to be added to the new variants you have added. Click Save Changes once you are done.

Add additional information

Now that you have a list of your variants, you can click to expand them and make a range of product-specific edits. For more information on how to add product-specific information to your variants, click here.

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