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What product information syncs with Shopify?

Whether you are pushing new Retail POS products to Shopify, pulling Shopify products into Retail POS, or are updating products that are already linked, only certain parts of a product sync between platforms.


  • Once your Retail POS and Shopify accounts are connected, Retail POS becomes the system of record.
  • You should manage your product catalogue, pricing and inventory information in Retail POS to ensure everything stays accurate and up-to-date.
  • Shopify feeds important information back to Retail POS such as online sales, new customer or existing customer information associated with a sale, and inventory from a sale to keep stock levels in sync.
  • Please click the following link for more on how to use the Shopify integration!

Product info that syncs:

Retail POS Shopify
Name Title
Description Description
Supplier or Brand Vendor
Handle Handle (end of URL/product SEO)
Product category Product type
Tags Tags
Variant Name/Value Option Value
Variant Attribute Option Name
Retail price Price
Active/Inactive Product availability
Inventory Quantity
Stock Tracking Off - N/A, On - On, product only sold when inventory > 0

Product info that doesn't sync:

Retail POS Shopify
Images* Media
Supply price N/A
N/A UPC/Barcode
N/A Collections
N/A Shipping weight
N/A Compare at price

* Images send from Retail POS to Shopify on initial publish, but never after. For more, view the images section in the setting up Shopify products article.

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