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Preparing for historical order sync from WooCommerce to Retail POS (X-Series)


  • Retail POS for Mac or PC
  • WooCommerce Integration 


After connecting WooCommerce and Retail POS (X-Series), new WooCommerce orders and updates to existing orders will automatically sync to Retail POS. 

Any orders that were placed in WooCommerce before the integration with Retail POS will not automatically sync to Retail POS. These historical orders from WooCommerce need to be manually imported. 

When importing historical orders, inventory deductions are made from your current Retail POS inventory. We strongly recommend making a product backup prior to importing the orders so that inventory can be reverted if needed after the historical order import. Once you've backed up the products, you can import historical orders to Retail POS from WooCommerce by contacting Retail POS support.

Other things to consider before importing historical orders: 

  • Inventory will be deducted from the outlet the register is associated with in Retail POS.
  • Products that have not been previously mapped will be mapped based on the SKU. These products will be overwritten in WooCommerce with the product details and inventory levels from Retail POS.
  • New products will be created if they don't already exist in Retail POS.
  • Orders will fail to import if the product(s) sold is now deleted.
  • If the integration is reconnected, the import sync will start again at the beginning. If prior to the reconnection you had hundreds or more historical orders imported, we cannot start the sync again. The best solution is to add a note to orders in WooCommerce that didn’t sync before the integration was disconnected. This will trigger just those orders to import, as any order updates automatically sync to Retail POS. 

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