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How to change the default character encoding of Excel to UTF-8


Using the registry, change the default encoding of Excel to UTF-8 for compatibility with Retail POS on non-English computers or computers using another character set.

If you are not comfortable editing registry values on your device, please consult your IT professional.


  • Retail POS for PC
  • Excel
  • Regedit


  1.  Open Regedit
  2.  Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Office>[Excel version here—likely the highest number in this folder]>Excel>Options
  3. In the right pane, right click
  4. Select New > DWORD
  5. Name the new item DefaultCPG
  6. Right click on DefaultCPG
  7. Select Modify
  8. Set the base to decimal
  9. Enter 65001
  10. Click OK

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