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How do I pair my Pax D210 or S920 to my Wi-Fi network?


  • Pax D210
  • Wifi


  1. Select the blue Menu key to the top-right of the pin pad (next to the arrow keys). For the S920, you may need to press the green enter button and 1 at the same time to bring up the Menu.
  2. Input the device password (today’s date in mm/dd/yyyy format)
  3. Select Communication
  4. Input the device password (today’s date in mm/dd/yyyy format)
  5. Select Wi-Fi Parameters (be careful not to select Wireless Parameters)
  6. After a quick scan, select your Wi-Fi network
  7. Enter your Wi-Fi password
  8. Press the RED key and back out to the main idle screen (this is when the Wi-Fi will connect)

Additional Information

  • On the home screen, it should now display "POS Online" if the connection was successful.
  • If switching from one Wifi network to another, you have to select CANCEL first before selecting the new network.
  • To enter a Wifi password that contains letters or special characters on a D210, the alpha key will need to be used. Press the number on the keypad that contains the character and press the alpha key until that character is visible on the screen. On the S920 press in the password box for the on-screen keyboard

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