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How to see which products are In Transit


  • Retail POS for Mac or PC


  1. Create your Purchase Order in Retail POS
  2. Mark your order as Dispatched when your order and the expected delivery date are confirmed by your supplier.


  3. Select I know when, and specify the delivery date, or select I don't know when if the delivery date has yet to be confirmed. By selecting I don't know when, you can add a delivery date to the order at a later time. 
    This will trigger a small truck icon to appear beside products that are In transit on the following areas of Retail POS:
  • On the sell screen and product page so your managers and cashiers know what’s coming and when to expect it
  • When recording an order so that you only order what you need
  • On the scanner app so your managers and cashiers can help customers on the shop floor
  • On the home screen dashboard so you know when to expect your next delivery
  • On the inventory movements view to help you keep track of a particular product

 Additional Information

How to create a Purchase Order using the new Purchase Order page


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