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Adding and deleting customers in Retail POS (X-Series)

Adding a new customer during a sale

In Retail POS, you can add and save a new customer for future use directly during a sale, without needing to exit the active sale.

  1. In the Customer search box, type the customer's name.
  2. Click Add "x" as a new customer and a dialog box will open where you can input the customer's details.

    Prompt to add a new customer from the sales screen in Retail POS.

  3. Here you can add the customer's first and last name, email address, and phone number, and add a customer group if applicable.

    Add new customer dialogue box with fields for entering customer information.

  4. Click the Details tab to add more details.
  5. Here you can include additional details about your customer, set on account limits, enable loyalty, and choose a tax rate for the customer, if applicable.

    Customer details tab with fields for entering addtional information.

  6. Complete the desired fields, and click Create new customer.
  7. Proceed with the sale as usual.

Adding a customer on the customers page

You can add, view, and manage customers through the customer page.

  1. Navigate to Customers > Customers.
  2. Click Add customer.

    Customers page in Retail POS with add customer button highlighted.

  3. In the dialogue box that opens, enter the new customer's first and last name, email address, and phone number, and add a customer group if applicable.

    Add new customer dialogue box with fields for entering customer information.

  4. Click the Details tab to add further details.
  5. Here you can include additional details about your customer, set on account limits, enable loyalty, and choose a tax rate for the customer, if applicable.

    Customer details tab with fields for entering addtional information.

  6. Complete the desired fields and click Create new customer.

Adding customers using a spreadsheet

Customers can be transferred from an existing system such as MYOB, Outlook, or SharePoint by importing them as a spreadsheet file.

Formatting your customer list for Retail POS to read

  1. Navigate to Customers > Customers.
  2. Click Export list.

    Customer page with export list button hightlighted.

  3. Open your current MYOB, Outlook, SharePoint, or other system, and export your customers as a CSV file.
  4. Open the CSV file you exported from Retail POS.
  5. Copy the data from your current customer file that you wish to transfer to Retail POS into the Retail POS customer CSV export file. For example, map 'First Name' to 'first_name' and 'Last Name' to 'last_name'. Separate data with commas to ensure a smooth upload.

    Some of the customer fields on the Retail POS CSV file are generated by sales activity and cannot be imported through the file, including YTD Balance and Loyalty Points.

Importing the customer list into Retail POS

Once you have transferred all the necessary information to your Retail POS customer spreadsheet, you'll need to import it into your Retail POS customer database.

  1. Navigate to Customers > Customers.
  2. Click Import customers.

    Customers page with the import customers button highlighted.

  3. On the Import customers page, upload the file by dragging and dropping it, or click Choose a file to upload to search for and add the file.

    Upload spreadsheet page with button to choose a file to upload.

    Ensure the file you upload is a .csv, .xlsx, or .xls file. Other file types will not work.

  4. Once you have attached the file, Retail POS will perform an error check. This could take a few minutes.
    • If the validation is successful, your customer list will be updated.
    • If the validation check detects any errors, refer to the Troubleshooting errors section of this article.

Troubleshooting errors

If any errors are detected during the file upload, you will be redirected to an error screen.

Here you can review the cause of the errors and download new versions of your spreadsheet that includes notes on what to fix.

List of errors found in customer spreadsheet with button to download a file with instructions to fix.

Once you've made the required changes, remove the issue column from the CSV and reimport the file by either dragging and dropping it into the window or browsing for files again.

List of errors found in customer spreadsheet with button to download a file with instructions to fix.

During the file upload, you may also receive warnings about how your spreadsheet data could be improved.

List of improvements to make to the spreadsheet with buttons to download a file with instructions to fix and button to continue anyway.

If there are issues like incorrect date of birth format or missing customer names, you'll see a warning message. Although not required for re-uploading, correcting these issues is recommended to ensure a smoother upload and an accurate customer database.

You can download the CSV file to correct the errors or click Continue anyway to import the spreadsheet as-is.

If you are still unable to upload the file correctly, contact Support.

Deleting a customer on the customers page

If you want to delete a single customer, you can do so through the customers page.

  1. Navigate to Customers > Customers.
  2. Locate the customer you wish to delete and click the arrow to expand the details.
  3. Click Delete.

    Delete customer button hightlighted on the customer details page.

  4. Confirm that you wish to delete the customer and click Delete. All information associated with this customer, including sales history and reports, will display as Anonymous customer after deleting.

Deleting customers in bulk on the customers page

If you need to delete many customers at the same time, you can do so using bulk actions on the customers page.

  1. Navigate to Customers > Customers.
  2. Locate the customers you wish to delete and click the checkboxes beside their names.
  3. Click Choose an actionDelete customers.

    Checkboxes beside customers with delete customers option highlighted.

  4. Confirm that you wish to delete the customers and click Delete. All information associated with the customers, including sales history and reports, will display as Anonymous customer after deleting.

What's next?

Managing customers in Retail POS (X-Series)

Learn how to manage customer profiles.

Learn more

Contact Support

Contact Support if you require assistance.

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