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Setting up products when using the WooCommerce integration

  • Available on Pro, Standard, Advanced, Enterprise
  • Available on Core, Plus



  • Once your Retail POS and WooCommerce accounts are connected, Retail POS becomes the system of record.
  • You should manage your product catalog, pricing, and inventory information in Retail POS to ensure everything stays accurate and up-to-date.
  • WooCommerce feeds important information back to Retail POS such as online sales, new customer or existing customer information associated with a sale, and inventory from a sale to keep stock levels in sync.
  • Click the following link for more on how to use the WooCommerce integration!

What product information syncs with WooCommerce?

Product info that syncs:

Retail POS WooCommerce
Name Title
Description Description
Images* Images*
Tags Tags
Variant Name/Value Attribute Name
Variant Attribute Attribute Value
Retail Price Regular Price
Active/Inactive Status
Inventory Stock Quantity
Track Inventory Manage Stock

*For all new connections as of May 20, 2021. Connections made prior to this date will require images to be managed manually on each platform.

Product info that doesn't sync:

Retail POS WooCommerce
Handle* Handle
Brand N/A
Supplier N/A
Supply Price N/A
Product category N/A
N/A Weight
N/A Categories

* Handles only sync from Retail POS to WooCommerce during the initial publish.

Pushing all Retail POS products to WooCommerce

If all your products are in Retail POS, and you want them all in WooCommerce, head to Setup > Apps > WooCommerce, and click the Publish all products button towards the bottom of the page.


Please Note

This is only recommended if it hasn't been done before.

Pulling all WooCommerce products into Retail POS

If all your products are in WooCommerce (existing WooCommerce user), and you want them all in Retail POS, head to Setup > Apps > WooCommerce, and click the Import all products button towards the bottom of the page.



Draft products: If you have any products in the "Draft" stage in WooCommerce, these will not get imported into Retail POS from your WooCommerce store.

Adding new products to WooCommerce

1. Create the product in Retail POS

2. Find the product on the product page in Retail POS.

3. Click the Sell on WooCommerce button under the product name.

The button will change to WooCommerce publish pending then it will turn green and change to View on WooCommerce when the publish is complete. You may need to refresh the page for the button to turn green. 

If you want to publish multiple products at once:

1. Select the checkboxes beside each product you want to sell on WooCommerce.

3. Click Choose an action at the top of the product list.

4. Select Publish to WooCommerce from the dropdown list.


The Sell on WooCommerce button beneath each product will change to WooCommerce publish pending then it will turn green and change to View on WooCommerce when the publish is complete. You may need to refresh the page for the button to turn green. 

Linking Retail POS and WooCommerce products together

If you have products in both systems and would like to link your products, view this article.

How product images work with WooCommerce

When publishing a new product to WooCommerce from Retail POS, all images will be published, including those assigned at a variant level.

Retail POS then becomes the system of record*. Any time you update or add an image to the product in Retail POS, it will sync to WooCommerce.

*For all new connections as of 20 May 2021. Connections made prior to this date will require images to be managed manually on each platform


Retail POS supports image file sizes up to 8MB each. For larger files, these will need to be uploaded to WooCommerce directly.

If you were unable to publish your images to WooCommerce due to an error. Refer to our Troubleshooting your Retail POS-WooCommerce integration article for further assistance.

How variants and composite products work with WooCommerce

Products with variants: Display as a single product in WooCommerce, with drop-down menus to select your different variant options on the product's page. This means that you won't be able to display each variant in your WooCommerce store separately.

If a product is set up as a product with variants in Retail POS, all versions of the variant will be sent to WooCommerce. You cannot publish a selection of variants to your WooCommerce store. If you want to display each item individually, you'll need to set them up as standard products in your Retail POS store.

Composite products: Display as an individual product in WooCommerce, with the information matched to the composite product in Retail POS, rather than the component items.

Sales of a composite product in WooCommerce will still update the inventory of the individual items that make up the composite product in Retail POS.

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