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Checklist for testing your WooCommerce integration

  • Available on Pro, Standard, Advanced, Enterprise
  • Available on Core, Plus


In the following article we have listed a few test scenarios for you to try after you successfully connect Retail POS and WooCommerce, and finish setting up or linking your products. We recommend running through these scenarios to make sure everything works as expected and to familiarize yourself with the integration and its workflows.


You can test orders for the following scenarios by placing actual orders on WooCommerce. We also recommend placing a test order through your customer-facing website to confirm that your website is set up correctly, too. 

Test scenario Things to check Additional info
Process a sale online on WooCommerce and see if it syncs to Retail POS
  • Did the order sync to Retail POS?
  • Are the taxes applied correctly in Retail POS?
  • Is the shipping method applied correctly in Retail POS?
  • If it is a new customer, did a new customer profile get created in Retail POS?
  • If it is an existing customer with a matching email address, did the order get added to the existing sales history for that customer?
Process a refund for an online order on WooCommerce
  • Did the order in Retail POS get a return processed against it?
  • Did the inventory get added back correctly?
Cancel or refund an online order on WooCommerce
  • Did the order get successfully voided in Retail POS?
  • Did the inventory get added back correctly? 
Fulfill an online order on WooCommerce
  • When you mark the order as fulfilled in WooCommerce does the order get updated on Retail POS?
  • When you mark the order as Completed in Retail POS does the order get updated correctly on WooCommerce?
  • Note: If you are still expecting payment for an order, it will sync to Retail POS as Delivery, Unfulfilled and will be counted as revenue before the order has been completed.

Product Updates

The following test scenarios are in regards to making updates to your products in Retail POS and seeing how these updates interact with your WooCommerce products. It is important to remember that Retail POS is the 'system of record' as part of the integration, meaning that all product updates should be made in Retail POS.

For products to sync from Retail POS to WooCommerce correctly, your webhost needs to allow GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests. Contact your webhost or IT administrator to ensure these requests are enabled.

Test scenario Things to check Additional info
Make an update to the product information (description, name, tags, price)  for a product published to WooCommerce

  • Did the update get reflected correctly on WooCommerce?
  • Note: Changes made to a product on WooCommerce do not sync to Retail POS.
  • Note: If you make another update to the product in Retail POS, any edits you made separately in WooCommerce will be overwritten. 
Add a variant in Retail POS and check that it syncs to WooCommerce  
  • Did the new variant get added to WooCommerce? 
Delete a variant in Retail POS and check that it syncs to WooCommerce
  • Did the variant get deleted from WooCommerce?
Make a product published to WooCommerce inactive in Retail POS
  • Did the product become a draft product on WooCommerce?


Unpublish a product
  • Does the unpublish show successfully in Retail POS?
  • Note: The product still exists on WooCommerce, but has been changed to a draft product so it will not be available on your customer-facing website.
Make an inventory update to a product synced to WooCommerce 
  • Did the update get reflected correctly on WooCommerce?
  • Note: If you update the inventory directly on WooCommerce this does not sync to Retail POS.
  • Note: If you make an update to the product in Retail POS, the inventory update you made on WooCommerce will get overwritten.
If you have more than one outlet, transfer the stock between the two outlets and check that the inventory syncs to WooCommerce
  • Did the inventory update correctly on WooCommerce?
  • Note: If both outlets are synced to WooCommerce, the inventory on WooCommerce should remain the same.
Send and receive a stock order on the same outlet
  • Did the inventory update correctly on WooCommerce?
Perform a partial inventory count
  • Did the inventory update correctly on WooCommerce?
  • Note: A full inventory count is not required for testing purposes.


There are a few other scenarios that we recommend testing. Results can vary depending on your unique setup. If you run into issues testing these scenarios, we recommend reaching out to Retail Support so we can take a look at your account and its unique setup.

Test scenario Things to check Additional info
Test if any 3rd party plugins might affect the Retail POS WooCommerce integration
  • If you are using any third-party plugins that have permission to modify products or orders such as custom product fields or shipping plugins.
  • Run additional tests with these plugins installed and activated. The Retail POS integration will only interpret the basic implementation of WooCommerce and any customization through plugins or custom builds might affect the way the integration syncs information back to Retail POS.
Test your payment gateway by placing an order through your customer-facing website
  • Was the payment captured correctly on the order on WooCommerce?
  • Was the payment correctly reflected in Retail POS?

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