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Setting customer-specific tax rates

In Retail POS, you can create and save customer-specific tax rules. You can apply custom tax rates to customers who are tax-exempt or wholesale buyers or customers from outside your region who are subject to a different tax than your local sales tax.

By default, all customer accounts are subject to the default store tax rate unless otherwise edited. You only need to save a tax rate to a customer if they require a different rate than your store default.

If a product has a particular tax saved to it, that tax will override the customer rate. You can remove product-specific taxes in the sales screen. Refer to our Removing tax from a sale article for instructions.

Once a custom tax rate has been created, all users have permissions to save a tax rate and associated notes on a customer’s file. For more information about adding custom tax rates to your store, visit our Setting up taxes guide.

New customers

To set a different tax rate for a new customer: 

  1. Navigate to Customers > Add customer.

    Customers page with Add customer highlighted.

  2. Enter customer contact details, then click on Details.
  3. Enter additional customer information, if required.
  4. Under Settings, locate the Tax Rate field and choose the custom tax rate from the drop down menu.

    Create new customer page with tax rate drop down highlighted.

  5. In the Note field, enter any additional information, if required. 
  6. Click Create new customer.

    New customer page with tax rate and note filled out. Create new customer button highlighted.

    You may also add a custom tax status from the sales screen by typing the customer name into the search, clicking Add as new customer, and following the above instructions.

Sale screen with a customer name in the search bar and add as new customer button highlighted.

Existing customers 

  1. Navigate to Customers.
  2. Click on the edit icon beside the customer name.

    Customers page with the edit icon beside a customer highlighted.

  3. Click Details.
  4. In the Taxes field, enter the custom tax rate from the drop down menu.
  5. In the Note field, enter any additional information, if required.

    Edit customer page with tax rate and note highlighted.

  6. Click Save changes.

Delete custom tax rate

To delete custom tax rates from a customer, click the delete icon beside the rate in the drop down menu. This will return a customer's tax rate to your store default. 

A customer details page with the remove custom tax rate icon highlighted.

At this time, you cannot set customer group taxes, only change tax rules for individual customers.

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