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Reporting with Lightspeed Payments

The Lightspeed Payments merchant portal is a record of all payments processed through Lightspeed Payments, and the associated Lightspeed Payments merchant payouts.

To access the Lightspeed Payments merchant portal, navigate to Finance. The Lightspeed Payments merchant portal can only be viewed by individual outlets. Select the relevant outlet from the Outlet drop-down, using the Search bar if necessary.

Overview tab

The Overview tab is the default display for the Lightspeed Payments merchant portal. Here you can find an Account overview which details your account Balance and Last payout.

  • Balance is the sum of transactions yet to be paid out
  • Last payout is the value of the sum of transactions last paid out

The Overview tab, showing the balance, last payout, payments, payouts, and account status.

To learn more about how you are paid with Lightspeed Payments for Retail POS, refer to our Getting paid with Lightspeed Payments guide.


Under the Payments header, the five most recent transactions will be displayed. These will denote the date and time of the transaction, as well as the transaction status, and transaction amount.

To view a list of all transactions, click View all payments to be taken to the Payments tab. You can also navigate to the payments page at any time using the Payments tab.


Under the Payouts header, the five most recent payouts will be displayed. These will denote the date of the payout and the payout amount.

To view a list of all transactions, click View all payouts to be taken to the Payouts page. You can also navigate to the payouts page at any time using the Payouts tab.

The payout report data lists payments by the date the payout was issued, not the day the payment was captured. You can learn more about payment schedules for further clarification.

You can also review payments for a set time period based on the dates the payments were taken, as opposed to the dates of the payouts.

Payments tab

The Payments tab displays an overview of your payments by time period (set to Today by default) which includes Net sales, Payments, Refunds, and Processing fees. The time period can be changed by selecting the desired time period from the date range drop-down.

The Payments tab.

Under Payments, you can filter the list of transactions by status (All, Successful, Refunded, Failed, or Cancelled) using the options at the top of the module.

You can also use the search bar to enter relevant keywords and click Search, and/or filter the results using the Filters drop-down to narrow your search results further by date, channel, payment status, payment type, or payout status.

Payment details

To view more information about a specific transaction, click the date and time hyperlink in the transaction line item to view the Payment details report.

The Payment details report gives you an in-depth view of a specific transaction, including:

  • Transaction date and time
  • Payment Method
  • Processor ID
  • Timeline
  • Authorized amount
  • Captured amount
  • Fee
  • Device
  • User
  • Net amount
  • Payment ID
  • Order ID

Click the Order ID to link directly to its sale in Sales History, simplifying payment tracking.

The Payment details page.

Payouts tab

The Payouts tab displays a list of all payouts. These can be filtered by date using the Filter drop-down and sorted by clicking Date created and/or Amount to toggle between descending or ascending order.


Payout details

For more information about a specific payout, click the date and time hyperlink in the payout line item to view the Payout details report.

The Payout details report gives you an in-depth view of the transactions included in that payout, including:

  • Payout amount
  • Payout status
  • Date created
  • Bank account
  • Processor ID
  • A summary detailing:
    • Payments
    • Refunds
    • Fees

The payout details report, including the Amount, Summary, and Transactions.

The report includes an overview of the payout for each payment method, including:

  • Gross Amount
  • Fees
  • Returns
  • Net Amount

The summary window on the payout details report.

You can also find a list of every transaction and adjustment included in this payout. To see more details for a specific transaction, click the Payment reference link to access the Payment details report.

The transactions list on the payout details report.

Capital tab

The Lightspeed Payments merchant portal also houses all information regarding any current Lightspeed Capital advances or offers you may be eligible for. For more information about Lightspeed Capital, refer to our About Lightspeed Capital guide.

The Capital tab including an advance.

To view additional information about a current Lightspeed Capital advance, click on the advance value to view the advance details.

Here you will find the amount received from the Lightspeed Capital advance, the amount paid to date, the remaining balance owed, and the repayment rate.

Detailed view of the Lightspeed Capital advance.

Documents tab

The Documents tab contains a list of all fee statements by month. Here you can download each fee statement by clicking the corresponding Download button.

The Documents tab displaying a fee statement in the process of being downloaded.

Settings tab

The Settings tab contains your Lightspeed Payments account details, such as Payments processing status, Payouts status, and Balance, as well as your Terminal settings.

The Settings tab showing inactive payment processing and payouts statuses for an account.

What's next?

Getting paid

How transactions are sent to Lightspeed Payments and what's deposited.

Learn more

Understanding the Payment Transactions report

See an overview of all payment transactions made with Lightspeed Payments.

Learn more

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